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Masterclass: Queerlesque

  • Sweet Burlesque Rønnegade 1, 1th København Ø Denmark (kort)

A masterclass for those who would like to try a form of burlesque that breaks tradition and expectations.

Where classic burlesque tends to draw its empowerment and style from femininity, Queerlesque draws inspiration from a much broader spectrum – masculine, feminine, androgynous and so much more. It is all about playing with expectations and flipping them around, explore different movements, themes and styles within burlesque and find new and unexpected corners of what burlesque can be.

What do you get:

  • You get to try classic burlesque moves in new ways and play with different styles and expressions.

  • You will dance a burlesque choreography that includes many styles in movement and is not solely centered around feminine dance moves.

  • You will get inspiration to explore different ways of moving and dancing and expressing yourself when doing burlesque.

What to expect of the day:

  • Introductions and a quick warm-up

  • Classic burlesque with a twist: We will do some classic burlesque moves link “bumps ’n grinds” and play with different ways of doing them – feminine, masculine, sensual, ugly, creepy and more.

  • You will learn a short simple burlesque choreography, that is not centered around feminine movements or a feminine style of dancing, and then we will play with different ways of doing the choreography, different ways of moving and expression.

  • We will show the choreography to each other in groups.

  • Thank you for today – discussion of thoughts, feelings and experiences from the day.

About Sally Boleyn 

I practically grew up on a theater stage, spending all my free time as a child and as a younger person doing plays, taking classes, and later also teaching and creating pieces. In my twenties I began dancing, and then I discovered burlesque, and I fell in love completely: The combination of dance, theater, comedy, endless creativity, and a complete freedom to show your body and sexuality on your own terms - I was hooked. Since then I have, under the name Sally Boleyn, performed regularly in Copenhagen and Aarhus, and my love for the community and the performing has only grown. I have, since I took my first class at Sweet Burlesque, dreamed of one day teaching myself, so I am very, very excited to have this workshop and pass on some of my experience in performance and storytelling to you.

Tidligere begivenhed: 17. november
Senere begivenhed: 24. november
SWEET BURLY GROOVE - Latin edition